招生簡章 // 招生簡章




申請2025-2026年度幼兒班之年齡: 1/9/2021至31/12/2022出生



  • 總容額︰540人
  • 幼兒班預計收錄人數︰180人
  • 學校總面積︰2,765平方米
  • 註冊課室數目︰9
  • 師生比例︰1:11
  • 設施︰英語活動室、美藝室、音樂室、角色扮演室、遊戲室、多用途活動室、戶外遊戲場及課室。
  • 各班級每期學費及期數︰$3405 (共十期)
  • 有否參加幼稚園教育計劃︰沒有
  • 其他核准收費︰報名費:$40
  • 學校售賣教育用品價目:(本學年的價目)
上學期價目表-幼兒班   價目
 (甲) 書簿   $258.00
 (乙) 文具    
  ﹒美勞用品   $856.00
  ﹒文具   $110.00
   總數︰ $1224.00
 (甲) 書簿   $321.00
 (乙) 文具    
  ﹒美勞用品   $696.00
  ﹒文具   $38.00
    總數︰ $1055.00




Target group

Children born between 1 September 2021 to 31 December 2022 are eligible for applying the 2025-2026 School Year K1 classes.


School Information

  • Total Permitted Accommodation: 540 students
  • Estimated number of vacancies for application for K1: 180
  • Total area of school premises: 2,765m2
  • Number of registered classrooms: 9
  • Teacher-to-pupil ratio: 1:11
  • Facilities : English Activity Rooms, Art Room, Music Room, Drama Room, Games Room, Multi-Purpose Activity Room, playground and classrooms.
  • Amount of school fee(per instalment) of each class and number of instalments: $3405 
  • Number of instalments: 10
  • Participation in the Kindergarten Education Scheme: No
  • Other approved charges: Application fee:$40
  • List of school items sold: (prices for the existing school year)
Price List for the 1st Term – KG 1    Price
(A)  BOOKS   $258.00
(B)  Stationery    
  ﹒Art Material   $856.00
  ﹒Stationery   $110.00
  GRAND TOTAL︰ $1224.00
 Price List for the 2nd Term – KG 1    
(A)  BOOKS   $321.00
(B)  Stationery    
  ﹒Art Material   $696.00
  ﹒Stationery   $38.00
  GRAND TOTAL︰ $1055.00